Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dating Woes: A pretty decent guy.... least he is, "...comfortable with who I am and the size of my penis without having to slap someone in the face with it to prove how big it is," because that would just be awkward.

My Self-Summary

I am a pretty decent guy. Sometimes I can be pretty depressed and sometimes I feel so good I think I might cry. I am learning to love myself and my life. I spent too much time doing the opposite and trying to destroy myself. I get kind of lonely sometimes because I don't have much of a social life but I am trying to work on that too. I am definitely a work in progress but I wouldn't have it any other way. Though I guess really everyone is a work in progress so maybe that is a non statement. I try to live a good life and treat people with kindness and respect but don't really expect the same out of people. People sometimes make me sad if I think about them too much. I guess I have too high of expectations. That's what people tell me...though I am pretty sure everyone has limitless potential and I try to see that in everyone I meet. Even when it's REALLY buried under crap. I hate social expectations and I like to say things that catch people off guard or make them uncomfortable.....sometimes when I think about space and the universe as a whole I feel so small I feel like I can't breathe and sometimes I feel like this whole life we live is just a dream and I expect to wake up at anytime but I continue on and on despite how tiny I am. I like to think about things on a cosmic scale because I feel it puts things into perspective and if your whole life is just a fart in the wind as far as time goes you don't take things so god damned serious. I get sooooo tired of everyone taking everything so fucking serious. Most of the shit we worry about doesn't even come close to mattering. Some things matter but for the most part it's all just a pissing contest. I don't care for pissing contests or dick measuring of any kind. I am comfortable with who I am and the size of my penis without having to slap someone in the face with it to prove how big it is. I am a bitter angry man who is also peaceful and full of love for my fellow humans but despise them at the same time. I am a walking contradiction and will never get lost in the conciseness of the masses. I dont water things down or walk on egg shells. I tell it like i see it and I don't stroke egos just so you'll stroke mine. Tell me the ugly hard truth even if it breaks me down. I'll get back up and offer up my face to the universe for another scar.....

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